Stock Data

ASX Instruments

ASX for AmiBroker is based on standard stock tickers as listed by ASX Shares.

S&P & GICS standard indexes are supported as listed by ASX Indices.

ASX Indexes

S&P Indexes (Capitalisation)

Capitalisation indices represent the sum of the market capitalisations of the companies making up the index.

GICS Indexes (Sector)

Sector indices enable investors to benchmark the performance of a particular stock market sector or industry.

ASX Data

Professional Data

There are many professional data sources available for ASX you can choose from.

These sources should have low level industry categories and real time data.

They are often bound up by proprietary software & data feeds.

Licensed ASX Data vendors are listed at ASX Market source.

Free Data - Yahoo

The combination of AmiQuote and Yahoo historical data provides a free ASX data source.

Yahoo historical can be imported fully adjusted (splits & dividends) for improved equity analysis.

Index's only have about 5 years historical data and Dates are offset by one day (US Website).

Licensed AmiQuote is required to download all ASX tickers from Yahoo.

Free Data - Non-Commercial

Free commercial data sources come and go but dedicated enthusiasts will outlast them all.

This data does not come with updates or corrections, But it is free and reliable.

Import Format


ASX for AmiBroker includes "ASX_INT_Import.format" for integer date formats. quotes may be imported with this import format.



"import.types.add" shows the line that needs to be added to the "import.types" list to enable "ASX_INT_Import.format".